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Introducing Kirby Wound Care's Clinical Coordinator

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It is our pleasure to introduce Barbara Lawson BSN, RN as the Clinical Coordinator of Kirby Wound Care. 

Who is the Clinical Coordinator?

The Clinical Coordinator is the liaison between the outpatient wound center and the community. The CC provides the community and referral sources education on center services and benefits. Effective communications between the wound center and referral source is key, making outpatient wound center an extension of the referral source's plan of care. 

Your Clinical Coordinator will:

  • Follow the life cycle of the referral from start to finish in collaboration with the clinical team.
  • Serve as the referral source's first point of contact for questions and/or concerns regarding patients being seen at the outpatient wound center. 
  • Develop and maintain relationships with the medical community and patients.
  • Deliver referral source and patient education information on outpatient wound services.
  • Provide routine communication, update and create a positive experience for the referral sources.
  • Facilitate routine communication with hospital partners serving as an integral part of the hospital relationship.

Contact Barbara Lawson BSN, RN

Direct phone: (618)780-0107

Direct email:

Referral phone: (877)295-2273

Referral fax: (888)835-6946

Referral email: