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Men’s Health: Knowing How To Help Loved Ones Is a Skill

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Knowing how to support the people who matter most to you can be hard, and it’s a skill you learn over time.  

Our team of experienced counselors can equip you with the tools you need to manage your relationships in a way that doesn’t overwhelm your own mental health.  

If any of these scenarios resonate, talk to your general health practitioner about being referred to one of our counselors.  

  • You or someone you love struggles with mental health. 

  • You’re experiencing stress or a difficult time in any of your relationships. 

  • You’d like assistance learning how to help support your loved ones. 

  • Conversations with loved ones often escalate into fights. 

  • You feel overwhelmed by a relationship(s) with a loved one. 

  • Relationships are taking a toll on your mental health. 

Learn more about our mental and behavioral health resources and services.  

June is National Men’s Health Month. To learn more about how Kirby Medical Center can support men’s well-being, explore all our services.