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Men's Health: Signs of Urinary Trouble

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Has the bathroom become your most-visited destination? That could be a sign of urinary trouble. Many men experience benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition where the prostate gland grows inward and pinches the urethra.  By the age of 50, roughly 50% of men have experienced symptoms, and the odds of BPH occurring increase with age.  

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please schedule an appointment with your physician. These symptoms are treatable, and can become serious if left untreated.  

  • Slow stream of urine 

  • Starting and stopping during urination 

  • Inability to completely empty your bladder 

  • Bladder irritation 

  • Urgent urination 

  • Needing to urinate several times throughout the night 

  • Inability to control your bladder 

June is National Men’s Health Month. To learn more about how Kirby Medical Center can support men’s well-being, explore all our services.