Phase II Pulmonary Rehab– Participants in this program meet with their therapist twice a
week to perform special lung exercises. These exercises may be done while
wearing a heart monitor. Therapists will instruct participants in various
ways to improve their condition through bronchial hygiene, relaxation
techniques, breathing exercises, and respiratory medication.
Phase III Pulmonary Rehab – Certain patients may continue their rehab after completing Phase
II if it is determined that their condition would benefit from additional
supervised exercises.
You may benefit from pulmonary rehab if you have been diagnosed with:
Cystic fibrosis
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Chronic bronchitis
Many patients who undergo chest or lung surgery may want to consider pulmonary
rehabilitation during their recovery. By the end of the program, participants
should have tools to help them live a normal, productive life.
217-762-1830 if you would like to learn more about pulmonary rehabilitation at Kirby
Medical Center.